World War One Groups
Groups of medals for WWI service
See also World War One Pairs and Trios

14 Star and bar Trio Def LSGC - Peach - Middx and RASC
13592 L/Cpl William Peach (Chambers) b 1891 Lambeth 2/Middlesex R to France 7.11.1914 WIA 6.11.1915 Also served RASC with no ES/54943 from 26.1.1920
£264.00 inc VAT
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NGSM GV Per G 15 Trio RFR LSM - Ellis - RN
K4706 SPO Walter Ellis RN born 4.4.1889 Leeds York Enlisted 1.11.1909 On Persian Gulf operations served Prosperine WWI served Grafton at Gallipoli Syrian Coast To RFR 4.1.1920
£408.00 inc VAT
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Gp 5 - Carter - RN RFR
J6090 AB John Harold Carter born Wandsworth London 21.12.1893 Enlisted RN 21.12.1911 Served Swiftsure Euralyus Egmont Penelope To RFR 6.2.24 Recalled 3.9.39
£360.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio RFR ISM - Bush - RN
191451 Percy Harry Bush RN/RFR served on HMS Leviathan 1914-18, awarded ISM 1940 Head Porter London Postal Region, Born 1880, Burnham, Essex
£276.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio LSM - Elbourn - RN
Father/Son Owen Elbourn b Cambridge 1867 enlisted 04.1883 To RFR 1909 Served WWI Sappho/Excellent/Maidstone RNLSGCM 10.1921 Died 1937/Son Owen Elbourn earned DM & SCLSM
£276.00 inc VAT
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1914-15 Trio, RFR LSGC - Barrow
197229 P.O. Albert Christian Barrow. Born Cuckfield, Sussex 11.8.1882. Served R.N. 3.1.1898. Aboard Sutlej, Impregnable, Prince George WWI. Transferred to R.F.R. 28.3.1915. Discharge 7.6.1921
£156.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio LSM GV - Shaw - RMLI
P.O. 7428 Pte. Francis Joseph Shaw. R.M.L.I. Born Birmingham 8.4.1876 Enlisted 24.5.1894. Joined R.F.R. 12.6.1919. Awarded L.S.G.C.M. 26.8.1918 Died Birmingham March 1938
£186.00 inc VAT
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Trio RFR LSGC - Wincott - RM
George Henry Wincott Royal Marines Born 1891 Southam, Warwickshire with service papers.
£216.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII Gp - Wellington
J6240 RPO Sidney Wellington RN b Plymouth 1893 Postman Served RN WWI Defiance/Doris/Cornwall WWII served Europa Died Macclesfield 1985 ISM as Postman
£354.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio WW2 - Mace - RN
J35115 Charles John Mace was born in Brixton, London on 5 March 1899. He was admitted to the R.N. on 31.1.1915 and was discharged on 6.7.1928
£222.00 inc VAT
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WW1 WW2 gp 8 - Robinson - RN
William Robinson Royal Navy Served on HMS Faulkner at Jutland and served on HMS Caledon 1939-41 and involved in Pursuit of Scharnhorst after it sank HMS Rawalpindi, Born 1891 Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
£288.00 inc VAT
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WW1 Group - Baker - RN
Eng Captain Casper Vashon Baker b 1890 South Stoneham Hants Comm Eng Lt 1910 WWI Served aboard Barham Commonwealth & Menace A thoroughly capable officer To Ret List 1947
£234.00 inc VAT
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WW1 Gp - Seach - RNR
J44352 LS Ernest Walter Seach RN b Ilford 1899 Joined 1915 Served Jutland aboard HMS Gloucester Joined GPO 1931 Served RFR until 1938 Awd LSGCM 1934 Awd ISM 1967
£198.00 inc VAT
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15 Trio - Clowes - RN
J44672 CPO Harry Thomas Clowes born Portsmouth 14.12.1899. Enlisted 1916 served Resolution WWI. Recalled WWII Comm Master Gunner Died Shawell Leic 3.3.1977
£180.00 inc VAT
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Pair RN LSGC - Masey
M6723 Shipwright 2 Ernest Harold Masey born Dunfermline 14.11.1887 Enlisted 14.10.1913 Served WWI HMS Blake Disch 22.6.1928
£150.00 inc VAT
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Trio LSGC - Williams - RN
Horace Victor Williams RN HMS Dorsetshire, served on HMS Carlisle and HMS Unicorn during ww2, MID 1/1/1945, Born Splott, Cardiff 1898
£312.00 inc VAT
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WW1 WW2 gp 7 - Foot - RN
Inspector William Henry Victor Foot RN and Royal Marine Police Plymouth, Served on HMS Benbow Flagship 4th Battle Squadron at Jutland, went to RM police 1938, Born 1896 Devonport.
£312.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII gp 7 - Summers - RN CG Spec C
190445 Bosun Henry Edwin Summers b Gillingham Kent 1881 Joined RN Boy 1896 OS 1899 Ramillies Malta Awd LSGCM 1914 Emperor of India Rejoined WWII Home Service
£300.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII Gp - Relke - MN KIA
Chief Steward John Relke. Merchant Navy. Born Liverpool 12.10.1886. Served MN in WWI. K.I.A. aged 54 when S.S. Clan Ogilvy sank 20.3.1941. Torpedoed by U-Boat 105
£336.00 inc VAT
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WWI Gp 5 - Richardson - RN/MN
3rd Engineer William John Richardson MM/RN b Newcastle 1892 Joined RN as ERA Oct 1915 Demobbed May 1919. Served MN as Engineer Chief Insp Armaments WWII
£228.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII Gp 5 - Dawson - MN
Thomas Dawson MN b Birkenhead 1877 Fireman Served MN aboard Mauretania only man KIA aboard MV Sitala when sunk by U-Boat 19.10.1940 62 years old
£252.00 inc VAT
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Merc Mne Pair - Melville - MN
David Melville Asst Cook/Steward MN b Walsall 1894 served WWI Went missing at Blyth in 1936 later disabled Served ARP Control Centre WWII
£84.00 inc VAT
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WW1 gp 6 - Woodcock - RFR
K3761 Harry Woodcock RN/RFR, served on SS Zealandia, Section Leader Special Constabulary, 1939 register living in Goole a ARP Warden and West Riding Special Constabulary born in Nottingham1889.
£300.00 inc VAT
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WWI WWII gp 5 inc TD - Percival - RNVR RASC
Major Harry Percival 42nd (E. Lancashire) Div RASC, b Withington Lancs 1899 Also served RNVR WW1 Retired 1955
£204.00 inc VAT
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