Post WWI Campaign Groups and Pairs
Post World War One Groups and pairs of campaign medals

Def/War/GSM GVI Malaya, RAF LSGC GVI - Wilson - RAF
Squadron Leader R Wilson RAF saw service in WWII and in Malaya earning the GSM & Air Force Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
£264.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Frielander - ILH
26403 L/Bdr Louis Friedlander 1st Imperial Light Horse b Transvaal 1919 A Jewish man served in Italy with Rhodesia Batty of 1/6 Field Regt S.A. Artillery Awarded EM 1946
£168.00 inc VAT
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Grp 5 GSM A.S.& H
2979339 Sgt. D. Munro. 1st Bn. A & S.H. Served France & Germany. Awarded GSM Palestine with A & S.H. on 3.2.1940. Stationed at I.T.C. Stirling.
£156.00 inc VAT
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WWII - Williams
121628 Captain Kenneth William Williams 2nd Bn North Staffs Served WW2 3/3 Gurkha Rifles Burma died disease 13.9.1946 aged 37 MID for Burma 19.9.1946 Remembered Kirkee War Cemetery
£240.00 inc VAT
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GSM 62 pair - Tait - RA
23851337 Lance Bombardier A.S. Tait R.A. Served Borneo Malay Peninsula & N Ireland. Awarded LSGCM
£348.00 inc VAT
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Def War Eff Med - Fairweather - Kensington R
6207067 Sgt Leslie David J Fairweather Kensington Rifles b 1919 Croydon Served WWII Prominent member Order of the Oddfellows Lancashire
£120.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Gp - Cadman - RE
4743775 Spr J Cadman Enl RE 30.4.1929 Served WWII 601 Rly Const Coy Missing thought POW France reported 11.9.1940 Later discovered Deserted. Discharged 4.11.1941
£144.00 inc VAT
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Spec Con Gp - Mclaren
Robert Andrew Bride McLaren. Special Constable Edinburgh. Defence Medal possibly with Home Guard.
£38.40 inc VAT
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Korea Gp 5 - Strong - R Sigs
Capt Dudley James Strong born 23.10.1924 Boston Lincs Died 11.1985. Promoted to Major 23.10.58 Awarded 1977 QEII Jubilee Medal (Defence)
£396.00 inc VAT
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Korea Pair - Moss - R Tanks
22772096 Tpr D Moss Royal Tanks served in Korea
£210.00 inc VAT
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Korea - Gledhill
4537647 Fus Richard Hugh Gledhill North'land Fusiliers b 1922 lived Liverpool Served WWII West Yorks Burma/France & Germany Korea 1950's probably fought at Imjin River 22/25 April 1951
£336.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp 5 GSM Pal - Thompson - C Gds
2670466 L/Sgt. Dennis Sidney Thompson Coldstream Gds. GSM Served North Africa/Middle East. Palestine medal awarded 25.5.1949. Discharged 1.12.1948 to 47 Summerhouse Ave. Heston, Middlesex.
£162.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group -Arthur - RE
2037989 Sgt Hubert John Arthur RE lived London Enlisted 23.11.1936 Served WWII Iraq 27.8.1942 North Africa Italy WIA in Tunisia 12.5.1943 221 Field Coy RE Remained on Duty
£144.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Riley - Ox & Bucks
5178426 Pte JJ Riley 2nd Bn Oxford & Bucks LI
£144.00 inc VAT
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Air Crew Europe boxed set - Maddison
1135821 Air Gunner (Sgt.) Amos Ryder Maddison born Sunderland 6.5.1922. Rear Gunner, 426 Sdn. Bomber Comm. K.I.A. over Lorient 12.1.1943.
£618.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Webb - RAFVR
121971 Ft. Lt. Stanley Eric Webb. Attached to No. 927 (County of Gloucester) Balloon Squadron AAF. Served in France & Germany. Awarded 1952 Coronation Medal.
£348.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp - Gay - RA & Spec C
2/Lt. General List WWII. Inspector Thomas A Gay, Special Constable. Served in WWII earning 1939-45 Star, Defence Medal and War Medal.
£114.00 inc VAT
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GSM 62 pair - Barnbrook - RN
D109949V POMEM W T Barnbrook R.N. Served Northern Ireland and awarded the LSGCM.
£156.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Trio ACE - Robinson - RAF
James Robinson born 7.9.1923 R.A.F. Air Crew lived Liverpool as at 1939 with photo of recipient.
£468.00 inc VAT
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WWII gp - Briggs - AEC
31491 W/O Instructor Walter Butler Briggs born Chesterfield, Derbyshire 1903 Army Education Corps HQ Razmak Bde. Comm 20.9.43 Capt 1.9.47. Retired 1.9.57
£276.00 inc VAT
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WW2 Group - Wheller - North'd Fus
763405 L Sgt Edward James Wheller 9/North Fus b Evesham 1902 Enlisted 1.10.1923 POW 15.2.1942 Fall of Singapore
£264.00 inc VAT
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IGSM - Mohd - 7 Rajput
15243 Hav Noor Mohd 7th Rajput Rgt. Served NWF 1937-39 and WWII in Burma MID LG 19.9.1946 for gallant & distinguished service in Burma
£180.00 inc VAT
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WWII Gp 5 - Bacon - RN BOI
JX443567 Dennis Wilson Bacon born Rotherham Yorks 22.9.1924 Joined RN 1.3.1943 HMS Glendower Served Atlantic Med and Far East DEMS Service parchment & box of issue Died Sheffield April 1993
£108.00 inc VAT
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EM (T) - Wanless - RA
890367 Sgt John Barrows Wanless RA Attested 1938 WWII in Africa with 8th Army Clasp Italy & NW Europe D-Day where he was MID.
£168.00 inc VAT
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